Pocket Professor is a financial app designed by students for students!

Start Now for Free!

Organize finances and expand your financial knowledge in the same place.

Our app is available on any mobile device! Download now to get started!

A One Stop Shop for all Financial Needs

Here are just a few of our one-of-a-kind features!

Financial News Feed

Have access to a financial news feed with articles and content from all your favroite news sources.

Student Loan Tracker

Keep track of your loans and make payments directly in the app.

Bank Account Organizer

See all of your accounts and balances in one place!

Auto-Draft Savings

Choose an amount to auto-draft from each paycheck into a savings account, making your savings goals even more attainable!

Studies have shown that when college students have an overwhelming amount of stress regarding money, they are less likely to be able to focus on long-term goals. Pocket Professor aims to alleviate some of that stress and have you focusing on what matters most.

Save Money.
Build Financial Knowledge.

Let's Get Started!

We students!

This is an app prototype demo site designed as a final project for a capstone class.